• Opinion

    Hey, Modesto. We Need A Wall!

    What is the big freaking deal with people NOT wanting to set up a wall in this country?

    Seriously?! Why not?

    As you all already know, California is what, 90% Hispanic by now and a whole lot of that has to do with the fact that we’ve had a fucking open border now for over 40 years now.

    Look, I’ll be honest. My parents were illegal immigrants and my mom came over pregnant with me so I could be born here and be an automatic citizen. That shit worked like a charm! I ended up being born in LA and the rest is history!

    Good thing too, my father ended up being a drunk and kinda of a deadbeat so If I would’ve been born in Mexico, I’m pretty sure I would’ve starved to death.

    But, enough about me, let’s get to the issue at hand.

    Getting that wall up and creating an impenetrable way for people to get into this country. Look, it was cute and all when I got in, we weren’t many (illegal Mexicans) rolling around the streets here in Modesto and the rest of California. We didn’t make much of an impact back in those days. All we did was to come in here, work under the table, feed our kids, and mind our fucking business.

    Now? Shit…these fucking people want privileges and demand shit we could only dream of.

    These people are like someone that broke into your home, sat on your couch with their dirty ass shoes, then demanded you make them a sandwich. What the fuck!?

    Enough is enough. There are too many unskilled and uneducated workers in this country and especially in this town of Modesto. Do we really need more? All this does is create a flood of cheap labor that only causes wages to drop down even lower than they are now. It’s simple economics!

    Oh, then we got the situation of crime coming across the border too. We got drunks, pedophiles, lazy fucks that don’t work, people from gangs, and people that bring drugs across. Wasn’t there a time when a person broke the law here in the USA and then fled to Mexico to avoid them being put in jail? Now the shit is happening in reverse?

    Thanks a lot, politicians of California and your idiotic sanctuary state laws. Is Modesto a sanctuary city? Hell, he knows. I’m sure it is.

    The next big problem we got is people coming over to the US that don’t even like America. Can you fucking believe that shit!? They still love that shithole country they came from (that doesn’t even want them there!) and plaster their stupid flag and culture all over their home. Some of these people have spent more time of their lives here in the USA, working, living, raising kids, then they have balls to still hate it here? I know people that are 60 years old, got here at 20 years old, have spent 40 years here and still like Mexico!


    The last big problem we got is people getting hurt and dying just to get here. Are food stamps and government programs worth dying to get over here for?

    Apparently so. I’m sure more people die and more kids get hurt and even possible raped trying to get over here that are actually reported. It’s horrible.

    The best solution?

    Building a massive, impenetrable barrier across our southern border that is well known to the world. Take care of the people already here. The hell with everyone else. You got in before? Sweet. Let’s fix you. You were about to get before our wall was set up? Tough break!

    No more. Build that wall. Have all those people needing to escape to another country to live better lives remain. Have them pile up more and more every year. Have them create a massive problem in their own country and watch as a leader rises up with those people to fix their own country. It’s happened to every other country that’s become great. Not putting up a wall between us and Mexico is keeping Mexico from becoming great again.

    This post brought to you by our friends over at We Pick Up Junk Modesto. Providing junk removal Modesto residents have come to count on and recommend to friends and neighbors.

  • Politicians,  Stupid Laws

    Why Modesto California Sucks Reason # 4

    Weed Smoking, Free Tampons, and Even More Illegal Immigration!

    So, the new year has come and gone, and our wonderful California government has passed some real winners when it comes to laws for this 2018 year.

    Let’s break them down, one at a time, and see how they are slowly flinging the state into a liberal utopia, shall we?

    First off it’s now legal to smoke weed legally here in California.

    Don’t mind that federal law still prohibits it, but hey, since when does California follow suit with the rest of the state?

    So, if you wanna get high (it’s not like you didn’t do it before) you can do so now legally. How awesome is that!? Millions of kids already think it’s cool to do it, and being that its “natural” there is no harm in doing so.

    Hey, snake venom and the smoke from forest fires is all natural too, and that shit will kill you in a fucking heartbeat!

    Hooray! More low energy, non-producing, zero ambition kids coming our way!

    Next on the list – Free tampons for girls at school.

    For fucks sakes! Don’t these kids shoplift anymore!? (I’m kidding!)


    Whoever they are, the mother fuckers should give up their kids for adoption!

    I have never seen so many “poor” people with smartphones, flat screen TVs, and smoking joints legally now and they can’t fork over $5 to $7 for a fucking box of tampons for their kid?!

    So, now we, the taxpayers, gotta fork over the cash for it?


    Job protection for parents in small businesses. AKA maternity leave.

    So, let me get this straight…

    If someone has a baby, you can take off 3 months or 12 weeks, an entire quarter of the year, to take care of the child, without the risk of losing your job?

    For a mom, I get it.

    For a guy? Seriously?

    I remember my kid being born on a Tuesday night and I was back at work Wednesday morning!

    What the hell am I going to do with the kid? Mom’s gotta from that bond with the little one, not the guy!

    Get your pansy ass back to work! 

    So, companies gotta make do with fewer employees and can’t replace one that stops coming in to work cause they are protected by law for taking those many weeks off?

    Fuck that!

    I say give them a week, at most!

    They don’t come back? Fire their asses!

    The moms?

    12 weeks is cool with me.

    Love You Mom!!

    Employers are not allowed to ask for your previous work wages.

    Um… Why?

    How are you suppose to wheel and deal at the bargaining table?

    Supposedly, this is supposed to stop the gender gap in pay…

    So how the fuck is that gonna help? Plus… There is no gender gap!!

    I drove a concrete mixer for a lot of years. The pay is good. The work hours can be tough and not anyone can drive one of them heavy ass mother fuckers, so good drivers were always hard to find.

    Do you think the owners of these concrete plant’s gave a shit if you were a guy or a chick? Think they cared if you were white, black, Hispanic, or whatever fucking race or culture you were?

    Fuck no!!

    If you can jump in one of them trucks and drive them well, you got hired!

    Oh, and get this…

    Everyone was paid the same!

    Imagine that shit?!

    Same is true with a manager at Lowe’s home improvement store, a janitor at a school, a correctional officer here in this state, a city worker, you name it.

    Gender don’t matter! These liberal assholes just make this shit up!

    So, now when I go in for a truck driving job, I can’t tell them and I can’t ask them what I used to get paid.

    How we suppose to negotiate?

    It’s like buying and selling a car without a ballpark price from Bluebook. Do we wing it?

    Fucking California…

    California – The Sanctuary State


    What can I say about this?

    I fucking hate it.

    I can’t stand it.

    But, it’s now official. The politicians in Sacramento have completely sold out their state and country for power.


    I have always said that politicians pander and pander their asses off for votes, but this takes it to another level.

    Governor Brown? Dianne Feinstein? Every other political rat in office here in this state are the worst of the worst.

    These people couldn’t care less about all the Mexican families in this state and probably even hate and are disgusted by them in secret but will pander to them and make them believe that they are compassionate about their situation of them being here illegally.

    This will only open up the floodgates for more illegal immigration and more criminals hiding out in this state.

    We are going to have even more problems and more crime happen with illegals here in the country and these fucking people don’t even care.

    I don’t know if it is the lust for power, fame, and likability or if it is just flat out cowardice.

    So, afraid to be thrown out of office by fucking government loving foreigners, that they will ruin the state.

    I only hope that Trump and the Attorney General will sue the shit outta the state for this and cut all Federal funding to it as a signal to Sacramento.

    This state is heading down, spiraling out of control. Is there a better reason why people and businesses are leaving the state in droves! Take my buddy that does junk removal in Santa Barbara. He’s about to “jump ship” and bail outta Cali for good!

    Someone has to put a stop to it before it’s too late. But, I really do think it already is.

    Lex Luthor from the late ’70s, please oh please, nuke the San Andreas fault and sink half this bastard into the sea.

  • Politicians,  Stupid Laws

    Why Modesto California Sucks Reason # 3

    The Mandatory 3 Days Sick Day A Year Costs Us Way More Than You Know

    Did you know that the state of California now, by rule of law, makes all business owners give their employees 3 days of sick pay a year?

    Wait now, before you get all excited and think “Wow! That shit is awesome!” let me just let you in on a little secret…

    Those assholes up in Sacramento want you to think that they are awesome for making business owners do that.

    Our country is already soft as it is and now they are going to allow a bunch of lazy ass workers to take advantage of businesses.

    You and I both know, people that ain’t sick are gonna uses those days all the damn time. And that shit is gonna cost business owners a shit ton of money, which naturally, raises the price on the simple things in life that we buy, like a sandwich or a piece of fried chicken over at the corner deli.

    How you ask?

    Let’s break down some simple math, shall we?

    Let say you and I are some real go-getters and have managed to set up a sweet sandwich shop that sells some pretty bomb-ass BLTs and some mouth-watering roast beef.

    We’ve spent the last 3 years building our sweet gig up and have even managed to hire 4 employees full time. Are profit margins are good, thinner than our turkey slices, but still, a modest profit.

    Let’s say we are some awesome bosses (which I know we would be!) and we pay our full-time employees more than minimum wage, kinda like In-N-Out here in California likes to do.

    So, let’s say we pay them $13.00 an hour.

    With the added costs of workers comp, unemployment insurance, social security, and all that other bullshit, our $13.00 an hour employees cost our little sandwich shop $18.00 an hour total.

    So, you got $18.00 an hour times 4 equals $72 dollars an hour.

    We give them all 40 hours so that makes it $2,880 a week in pay we gotta fork over to pay our workers.

    Grand total we pay for 4 employees for an entire year is $149,760 in total. Damn! I’m good at this math shit!

    So, now the good old boys and liberal retards up and Sacramento thinks it would be a GREAT idea to force us to give our employees 3 sick days a year, by rule of law.

    They do it out of “compassion” and because “they care” so much about the workers.


    They are so sweet, aren’t they?

    Fuck no they ain’t!

    They do it all for show and to get stupid people to think that they actually care. They don’t care at all!

    All they always care about is VOTES and staying in power.

    That single law will now cost you and I and our theoretical sandwich shop an additional $1,728 a year in costs.

    Now, that may not sound like a lot, but it is money that is completely going nowhere. You and I know damn well, that all those sick days WILL be used up, even when our employees ain’t sick!

    You see, when someone runs a business, EVER damn nickel and penny are accounted for. From the post-it notes in the office to the slices of bread we buy for the sandwiches.

    You tack on more money to that we as the business owner must pay and account for it will just piss us off!

    No way we are just gonna take it outta of our pockets and just give it up!

    Look how pissed you get when your cell phone bill us up more than the $69.95 you pay for it every month! You don’t want to pay it and it pisses you off that you have to don’t it?

    This is how business owners see this mandatory sick leave pay. It’s bullshit.

    It’s a bill they weren’t expecting and now they have to pay for. Imagine the businesses that got 10 employees?

    What about 20? 30? 50?

    Is it any wonder companies in California pack their shit up and just leave to another state?

    It’s these little regulations and shit that cause that.

    Now for the businesses that do stay, all they do is jack up the prices on the shit they sell to make up the difference.

    Our bomb-ass BLT we sold for $5.99 will now have to go up to $6.99.

    So, who loses in that scenario?

    The damn customer who already is getting stretched thin with the few dollars they’ve got in their pocket.

    This is just another problem California faces with its Government.

    They add these types of regulations all of the time to businesses and it hurts everyone in the end.

    Just let the businesses do it on their own. Cut regulations. Cut Taxes. Sacramento and the liberal elites gotta stop putting their noses where they don’t belong.

    that would make businesses come back, they would hire more, and a lot of these big businesses would offer sick pay as an added bonus to go work for them, not because the law says they have to.

    Businesses would have to compete. That’s where “sick pay” was first introduced in the first place!

    You think Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were discussing “sick pay” during the Revolutionary War and as the wrote up the Declaration of Independence?

    Hell no!

    They wanted freedom. They fought hard for the shit.

    Now, at least in California, we are slowly giving it up to use a sick day on a Monday morning from a hangover from partying too much Sunday night.

    This post was brought to you by our friends at house cleaners in Santa Maria who operate a business and are tired of all these bullshit laws or policymakers make.

  • Stupid Laws

    Another Reason For My Ass To Complain About Modesto CA

    Illegal Immigrants In California Can Get Drivers Licenses?

    That’s Bullshit.


    Here is yet another reason to hate the ol Golden State.

    Illegal immigrants can run down to the DMV, show some chicken-shit birth certificate (probably printed on the back of their kid’s homework assignment) or god knows what other types of proof of “them saying who they say they are”, and get a driver licence delivered to their mailbox in 2 to 3 weeks just like everybody else.

    What kind of shit is that!?

    And here is the most important question of all…


    Illegal immigration has completely ruined the demographics of this state. And, in all honesty, I HATE IT.

    Illegal immigration is gonna be a running theme here on this blog. Better get used to it.

    It’s probably the biggest problem I got with this state. Oh, and knowing that guys like that bald headed asshole, Jerry Brown, in charge of shit who just loves illegal immigrants really pisses me off.

    Here is the deal on why “our so compassionate politicians” here in California just LOVE the never-ending flood of illegals entering our state.

    You think they really give a shit about Maria the house cleaner working at a place like this one here or Miguel the landscaper working for a local lawn care service?

    You listen to them say shit like, “They are just doing jobs Californians won’t do.” or “These people come to California seeking a better life for their families.” and my favorite “we can’t break up families.”


    All this California politicians want is a permanent underclass of people. They want people that are uneducated, people that don’t have skills, and most important of all; people that NEED government assistance.

    “I love illegal immigrants. Vote Democrat cause we care.” – Jerry Brown

    Our boy Jerry Brown claims that it will make our streets safer by having these people properly licensed and insured.

    Umm… someone tell this guy about the countless number of illegals getting into wrecks while being under the influence of an 18 pack of Bud Light, and just vanishing from the scene in a flash.

    What’s gonna stop these people from using there brand new and legitimate ID from going out and using it to get a job?

    Couldn’t they use this newfound privilege of going out and getting Geico auto insurance for their 1996 Chevy Astro van to instead go out and possible VOTE?

    Why the hell not?!

    You and I both know that this is all a scam and a way to pander to the Hispanic vote here in this state.

    Sure, some might go out and vote illegally with their brand new driver license in hand. But, what you probably don’t know, is that these illegal immigrants kids CAN vote and will vote for the people that allowed their uncle Poncho to get a legit drivers license.

    Wouldn’t you be a happy guy if your mom was now allowed to have a California ID when she couldn’t get one before and thank the people who allowed that to happen?

    You know what the crazy thing is?

    If you have kids, and you’ve been a little bit on the dead-beat-dad side of things for a while, and have fallen behind on paying child support, the state can suspend and take away your drivers license.

    You, as a United States citizen, can lose your privilege to operate a motor vehicle. That privilege can be stripped from you!

    Let’s just say you’ve been a deadbeat for a while and decided to straighten things out and do right by paying your damn bills. Wouldn’t you NEED that privilege to drive more than most people?

    Wouldn’t you NEED it to get out there and find work to pay those fines?  Don’t you need to support your family and your way of life too?


    Fuck that!

    You broke the law.

    It’s not like you came from Jalisco, Mexico, jumped the border, created fake documents, and been working with a fake social for the past 8 years.

    Nothing illegal about that!

    And that’s my whole point.

    In this state, illegal immigrants are treated like royalty!

    They pander and bend over backward for these people.

    Meanwhile, we got Californians that need work.

    We got homeless vets sleeping in dumpsters. We got ghetto ass neighborhoods where the schools are shit and yet, we care about these illegal immigrants (which many hate this country by-the-way) more than we care about our own citizens.

    That pisses me off and it’s one of many reasons I hate this state.

  • Politicians

    Why Modesto California Sucks Reason #2

    What Could Possible Suck More In Modesto Califonia Than Our Senator – That Old Bag Dianne Feinstein

    How can I put this lightly?


    Honestly, I can’t. I hate our Senator here in California. In fact, I can’t stand her.

    It’s that old bag that’s been lingering around Washington DC since 1992 and she been working in government and been in politics since the damn 60’s!

    What is that?

    50 fucking years and counting!?

    Case you didn’t know it, the geniuses in San Fransisco elected her Mayor back in the late 70’s all the way till the late 80’s.

    That’s a decade of running the show there.

    No wonder the earth shook beneath that town back in 1989 with that massive earthquake that stopped the World Series. Damn town was relieved to have her go and out of office!

    She is a bleeding heart liberal through and through.

    She hates guns. She hates the constitution. She probably hates the American flag, but she sure as hell LOVES illegal immigrants and liberal causes.

    She doesn’t want shit like DACA to go away and she constantly supports things that are in favor of illegal immigration.

    Why Do Dems Like Feinstein Always Beat The Same Old Drum About Breaking Families Apart With Enforcing Illegal Immigration Laws?

    They act like they are SO compassionate, SO damn caring, SO generous, and SO tolerant.

    These people just come to California to work. They only want to have a better life. They are doing the jobs other Californians won’t do. Yadda.. yadda… yadda…

    The same old tried and true liberal clichés. Do these Democrats have some stupid little handbook with all the same old, tired, and worn-out lines they constantly turn to and repeat? Seriously, do they?

    Listen here bitch!

    These people broke the law!

    I can run down to the local supermarket and fill my cart full of food and run out the damn store without paying. I can say I did it cuz I just wanted to feed my family and didn’t have money to pay for it.

    I broke the law. My ass is going to jail.

    Oh, but not our illegal immigrant buddies right? They have protection and rights too…


    They don’t!

    People Like Feinstein claim all the things they do to help illegal immigrants is outta compassion.

    You and I both know that they could give two shits about those people. I bet, that behind closed doors, they probably hate and are disgusted to be in their presence. All they want and need is those votes.

    Oh, and the liberal press here in California just eats all that compassion shit right up!

    Is it any wonder that this state has completely changed in demographics with

    the never-ending FLOOD of Illegal immigration?

    Oh, and illegal immigration IS wait, it HAS wrecked this state already. I sure would love to go on a rant and really get into how, but I’ll save that for another post.

    Then, of course, this huge-hearted and compassionate woman just HATES guns. She can’t stand them.

    “People don’t need assault rifles. People don’t need magazines that hold a lot of bullets. People don’t need bump stocks.”

    This old hag don’t even know what anything about guns and has been one of the biggest leaders in banning them! She bitches and complaints (while being guarded by armed guards herself) about them all the time!

    She wants to ban assault weapons?

    Umm… aren’t all guns used for assault? What is she even talking about?

    You know what I would love?

    Seriously, I mean this.

    For this old bitch to stand up before Congress and flat out say that we need to repeal the second amendment to the constitution.

    Just say it! Admit it! That’s what she wants!

    At least I would have a tiny amount of respect for her. Why constantly dance around the damn subject and wait for mass shootings to bring it up all the time!?

    She just a liberal ass old bitch that seeks only power by fooling people that aren’t educated into thinking that she’s looking out for them.

    I am amazed that she represents California, and has for decades.

    Well, actually I’m not. This state has gone down the shitter. It’s only fitting that she’s our Senator.

    This post is brought to you by our friends over at PR Trash & Junk Removal. Another business in California that is fed up with this hag as Senator.

  • Uncategorized

    My Opening Thoughts – Complaining about Modesto California

    If you live in Modesto California, you know that there are things that people often complain and whine about this state. Ever asked yourself why? Or you belong to this group of people? Maybe it’s because Modesto doesn’t offer people the opportunity to experience certain kinds of adversity ever. From a financial perspective, this state accounted for about seventeen percent of mortgage-related complaints in the United States in 2016. According to statistics from the Internal revenue Service, about five million people have moved from California to other states in the last decades. Well, probably there are other reasons for this, and it’s not related to what makes people complain about California. Let’s see some of the things that could be the cause of the many complains you hear about this state.

    High Cost of Living

    Those who live in Modesto California know that the year-round sunshine in this state isn’t cheap. Of course, most people are comfortable paying the absurdly high rents in this place. However, one of the major causes of complaining is the high cost of living here. You’ll hear complains about the high-cost people have to incur to get shelter and even basic food. In fact, California’s housing market is one of Country’s most expensive. The costs of houses are very high in Los Angeles Orange County.

    Warm Weather During Fall

    Americans living in Southern Carolina know very little about extreme weather. In fact, most Californians won’t last twenty-four hours if they were dropped off and left in places like Minnesota in the month of November. You’ll hear Californians whine and complain about the balmy, temperate fall weather. It’s always about what they can’t or doesn’t have. People living in California become jealous of other parts of the country in Fall. Other states receive rain and brisk breezes as their trees turn green.

    The Absurd amount of Traffic

    One of the things that are luring Californians to leave the state is traffic and congestion. That explains why most people in this place seem obsessed with traffic. You can tell how everyone is analyzing it, predicting it, and trying to find sneaky ways to stay away or avoid it. The state seems to experience terrible traffic and congestion at any given time.

    The Other Side of the State

    It’s funny that people from North Carolina have to complain about South Californians for what’s considered to be materialism. Similarly, you’ll hear South Californians complain about silly things like North Californians saying “hella” or rather greeting people way too much. It’s both funny and fun. On the other hand, people from other states coming here have to complain about how Californians are self-centered.


    If you’ve visited the Californian coast, you know that June gloom is one of the real things here. Well, that doesn’t mean that it only lasts in June. Parts of the state get thick ground fog between November and March. A thick ground fog is experienced along the coast in May through September. Of course, fog isn’t a worst or extreme type of weather, but it’s one of those things Californians and people from other states whine and complain about.

    Ultra-Conservative People

    We both know that California is one of the states that are largely liberal and democratic. That doesn’t mean there are no conservatives, moderates, and Republicans in California. In fact, you’ll find plenty of them across the state. However, it’s important to note that majority of the people in California usually lean to the left, which is why you’ll occasionally see “Make America Great Again” stickers in your front yard.